Mr. Biju Dominic, Final Mile Consulting Mumbai
The Management, Principal, Staff & Students congratulate Ms. Akhaya Rose, Ms. Dona Joy, Ms. Anju Antony, Mr. Akhil T. Mathew, Mr. Jishnu Raj, Ms. Drishya Dayanandan, Ms. Priya Mathew, Mr. Rinil M. Varghese, Ms. Sanjana Vijayan, Ms. Sisira C. Jacob & Ms. Vishnu Priya for Having Placed With ICICI Prudential.
Mr. P.Anjesh - Buyer Communicator,Coimbatore Conducted a one Day Workshop on Communication and Interview Techniques for MBA Students.
Resource Person - Mr. P Anjesh
I Year Students had their Industrial Visit from 22.02.2017 to 25.02.2017. They Visited EICL & Travancore Titanium Products Ltd.